
1. General
1.1 These general terms and conditions of sale (“General Conditions”) are
applicable to every offer, quote, purchase order, order confirmation,
invoice or agreement between Lidorr Elements Ltd., with registration
number 510535081 (“Azelis”) and its purchaser acting only for its
professional needs (“Purchaser”), unless otherwise agreed in writing
between the parties. In the event of any conflict between these General
Conditions and any more specific conditions agreed in writing between the
parties (“Specific Conditions”), the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
1.2 The General Conditions and the Specific Conditions shall hereinafter
jointly be referred to as the “Agreement”.
1.3 Acceptance of the General Conditions implies that the Purchaser
renounces in full the application of its own general terms and conditions
(of purchase), which are rejected by Azelis. The Purchaser’s own general
terms and conditions (of purchase) shall not apply, even if Azelis does not
expressly object to their validity.
2. Offers, orders and delivery
2.1 Except as otherwise indicated therein, offers remain valid for a period of 7
calendar days. An Agreement is only entered into between Azelis and the
Purchaser once the Purchaser has accepted Azelis’ offer in writing, or, in
the event no prior offer is made by Azelis, when Azelis has issued a written
(purchase) order confirmation.
2.2 Every purchase order from the Purchaser to Azelis shall be made in writing
and shall be considered final and irrevocable after order confirmation sent
by Azelis.
2.3 The delivery of the products shall take place in accordance with the
Incoterms (latest edition) stated in the Specific Conditions and shall be
subject to timely and proper delivery of the products or raw materials to
Azelis itself.
2.4 The Purchaser accepts deviations (in accordance with usual commercial
practice) of +/- 10% compared to the ordered volume due to safety
considerations or filling methods for deliveries in mounted tanks, tankers
and silo vehicles and Purchaser accepts that the invoice shall be
increased or reduced proportionally.
2.5 Azelis will use its best commercial efforts to fulfil each order on the
confirmed delivery date and to avoid or limit any delays. In the event of a
(threatened) delay in delivery, Azelis shall in any event promptly inform
the Purchaser thereof and Azelis and the Purchaser shall consult on the
most practical manner to remedy any adverse consequences thereof. The
delivery can be suspended by Azelis as long as the Purchaser has not yet
fulfilled any obligation vis-à-vis Azelis.
2.6 The Purchaser is obliged to take possession of the ordered products on
the confirmed delivery dates. Should the Purchaser for any reason, except
for delivery of defective products, not take possession of the products at
the time of delivery: (i) the products shall be deemed to have been
delivered; (ii) the risk in the products shall pass to the Purchaser; and (iii)
Azelis is entitled to store the products at the sole expense and risk of the
Purchaser. Such protective measure does not suspend the payment
obligation of the Purchaser.
2.7 Pallets, containers, tankers, mounted tanks and other tools, parts and
units employed during transportation that are not intended for one-off use
(the “Transport Unit”) remain in any event the property of Azelis, even if
the Purchaser is charged a deposit for the Transport Unit, except in the
event the Transport Unit is invoiced to the Purchaser. The Purchaser is
obliged to return the Transport Unit to Azelis in undamaged condition and
at his own expense upon its first request. Should Azelis receive the
Transport Unit in a damaged condition, the Purchaser shall indemnify
Azelis for any loss or damages.
3. Reservation of title and transfer of risk
3.1 Products sold remain the property of Azelis until payment of the purchase
price in full (including late payment interests, costs and indemnities
payable by the Purchaser) or any other amount owed by the Purchaser to
Azelis. Failure to pay any amounts due on the respective dates may lead
to reclaiming the products. Until full payment of the purchase price (i) the
Purchaser acknowledges that he is in possession of the products solely
as bailee for Azelis, (ii) the Purchaser shall not use the products as
currency or pledge or otherwise dispose of the products, and (iii) the
Purchaser shall store the products in such a manner that they are clearly
identifiable as the property of Azelis. The Purchaser may however use in
its own production process or sell the products at full market value to its
own bona fide customers taking into account that Azelis shall be entitled
immediately and exclusively to the (final/reworked) product or to the
proceeds of such sale up to the purchase price.
3.2 Reservation of title does not affect the risk transfer to the Purchaser as
from the time of delivery, whereby the Purchaser will bear all risks and
storage burden.
3.3 The Purchaser’s right to possession of the products shall terminate and
the Purchaser shall notify Azelis immediately (i) if the products are seized
by a third party; (ii) in case of breach by the Purchaser of one or more of
the obligations arising from this Agreement in case the breach has not
been remedied within 7 calendar days following a written notice by Azelis;
(iii) if the Purchaser enters into any composition or similar general
arrangement (formal or informal) with its creditors or is unable to pay its
debts, is subject to a procedure of judicial reorganisation or bankruptcy,
has a receiver or administrator appointed in respect of its undertaking,
assets or income or any part thereof, has passed a resolution for its
liquidation, or a request is filed or an order is made by any court for its
liquidation or for its administration; or (iv) if the Purchaser ceases to trade.
In the event of seizure, bankruptcy, or inability to pay its debts, the
Purchaser shall inform the competent bailiff, trustee in bankruptcy or
administrator of the present retention of title clause and shall make
available all relevant documents concerning the products.
4. Trademarks, intellectual property rights
The Purchaser must not use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post,
transmit, distribute or modify any trademark, trade name, logo, copyright
symbol or any other intellectual proprietary right of Azelis or any third party
including on repacked or processed material, nor on its websites and
social media or in any other manner, unless prior agreed in writing upon
explicitly by Azelis and any other relevant party.
5. Price and payment terms
5.1 Subject to clause 5.2, the purchase orders are invoiced at the prices and
on the terms and conditions as stated in the order confirmation or the
Specific Conditions.
5.2 Upon prior written notice, Azelis reserves the right to change the agreed
upon prices at any time, if any changes in the cost determining factors
occur between the order confirmation and the delivery of the products.
Such cost determining factors include, but are not limited to, costs related

to raw materials, packaging energy, transportation, warehousing
subcontracting, financing, insurance, duties, taxes and surcharges.
5.3 Unless otherwise agreed, Azelis’ invoices are payable at the registered
office of Azelis within 30 calendar days following the invoice date, via bank
transfer on such bank account as indicated thereon (including any costs,
taxes, duties or other levies).
Any objection should be communicated by the Purchaser via registered
mail within 7 calendar days following receipt of the invoice. Upon
expiration of such term, the relevant invoice shall be considered accepted
by the Purchaser and no further complaints shall be accepted by Azelis.
5.4 In case of (partial) non-payment of an invoice on the due date, Azelis is
automatically entitled, without prior notice, to impose late payment interest
at the rate of 12% per annum, or, if not enforceable, the statutory interest
rate applied by the competent court defined in clause 13.2, as of the date
on which the invoice was due, without prejudice to Azelis’ right to claim a
higher compensation in case the incurred damages exceed the aforesaid
amount. All extrajudicial and legal costs incurred by Azelis in the process
of compelling the Purchaser to fulfil its obligations are payable by the
5.5 In case of (partial) non-payment of an invoice on the due date Azelis
reserves the right to suspend the execution of all pending purchase
orders, without giving prior notice or paying any compensation to the
6 Warranties and notice of defects
6.1 Azelis warrants that products are delivered free from any liens and
encumbrances, strictly in accordance with the product specifications, all
applicable laws and the terms of the Agreement. Azelis makes no other
representation or warranty with regard to the products, their
merchantability, fitness for use or a particular purpose or otherwise,
express or implied, all of which are hereby expressly excluded.
6.2 Azelis shall not be liable for breach of warranty in clause 6.1 if: (i) the
Purchaser makes any further use of such products after having filed a
complaint in accordance with clause 6.3, (ii) Purchaser failed to comply
with product documentation and/or instructions as to the storage, use or
handling of the products; or (iii) the Purchaser alters such products without
the written consent of Azelis.
6.3 Upon delivery of the products, the Purchaser shall immediately inspect
and examine the delivered products. If the Purchaser discovers that a
delivery of the products or part thereof has any defects which are apparent
on reasonable visual inspection (e.g., transport damages and quantity),
the Purchaser shall promptly notify Azelis in writing and shall provide
reasons for such rejection. The Purchaser shall furthermore notify Azelis
of any latent defects in writing within 7 calendar days following its
discovery and shall provide details thereof. Failure to make such claim
within the aforesaid timeframe will result in the final acceptance of the
products by the Purchaser.
6.4 Without prejudice to applicable mandatory legal obligations, the Purchaser
shall, upon acceptance of a complaint by Azelis, be entitled to a
replacement of the products or a refund of the agreed price, provided that
the products are returned to Azelis by the Purchaser. No products may be
replaced, returned or destroyed without Azelis’ prior written consent.
6.5 With respect to the products that are not manufactured by Azelis, the
duration and the scope of the guarantee provided by Azelis is always
limited to any guarantee that Azelis receives from its manufacturer or its
supplier (back-to-back) as provided in the Specific Conditions and/or the
6.6 Azelis may oblige the Purchaser to recall products sold by the Purchaser,
within a reasonable period to be determined by Azelis, if it appears that
the products sold by the Purchaser could be defective or cause loss or
damage. Furthermore, Purchaser shall comply with all reasonable
instructions Azelis may give in view of such product recall. The costs for
such recall shall be paid by Azelis or its supplier, as the case may be.
7. Liability
7.1 Azelis shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims, liabilities, losses,
damages, costs, penalties and expenses awarded against or incurred or
paid by it as a direct result of or in connection with a breach of any warranty
given by Azelis or obligation imposed on Azelis under the Agreement.
7.2 In the event that Azelis is held liable for any damages in accordance with
clause 7.1, such liability shall be limited to (i) 5 times the invoice value of
that part of the purchase order to which the liability pertains if the related
invoice value is less than € 50,000 (or equivalent amount under local
currency), and (ii) 2 times the invoice value of that part of the purchase
order to which the liability pertains if the related invoice value is higher
than or equals € 50,000 (or equivalent amount under local currency).
7.3 Azelis shall not be liable for any type of special, incidental, indirect,
consequential or liquidated damages, including but not limited to loss of
profit, loss of savings or damage to third parties.
7.4 Nothing in these General Conditions excludes or limits Azelis’ liability for
gross negligence, wilful misconduct, fraud or death or personal injury
caused by Azelis.
8. Anti-bribery and export control regulations
When conducting business with Azelis, the Purchaser shall, and shall
cause its directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (the
“Representatives”) to comply with Azelis’ Code of Conduct (as available
on www.azelis.com), all applicable anti-bribery legislation and any local or
international export control regulations. In particular, the Purchaser and its
Representatives shall refrain from (i) making any payments or give other
inducements which are considered as a bribe or facilitation payment under
the UK Bribery Act 2010 or any other applicable anti-bribery laws and (ii)
infringing any diplomatic, economic or military sanction or restrictive
measure imposed on certain countries, individuals or entities by the United
Nations or any governmental department or agency of the European
Union or the United States of America applicable to any (contemplated)
transaction under this Agreement.
9. Force majeure
Azelis shall be legally released of, and not obliged to comply with, any
obligation vis-à-vis the Purchaser in case of an event of force majeure
including but not limited to explosion, fire or flood, protests, riot, civil
commotion, acts of terrorism, governmental actions, lock-outs, traffic
circulation problems, strikes or other industrial action, import or export
restraints, supply chain disruption, embargo, epidemics, equipment
damages, material shortage, failure of Azelis’ supplier to deliver the
products in time to Azelis and any event which prevents the normal supply
of its products, as well as similar circumstances that affect Azelis’
subcontractors or suppliers. During such event of force majeure, the
obligations on the part of Azelis are suspended for a period equal to the
period during which the event of force majeure exists. If the event of force
majeure continues for a period of more than 3 months, either party may

terminate the suspended part of the Agreement with immediate effect by
notifying the other party in writing thereof, without any compensation being
10. Termination
Azelis has the right to terminate the Agreement with the Purchaser at any
time, with immediate effect, without prior notice and without compensation
to the Purchaser.
(i) in case the products are seized by a third party due to claims against the
Purchaser or anyone on Purchaser’s behalf; (ii) in case of breach by the
Purchaser of one or more of the obligations arising from this Agreement
in case the breach has not been remedied within 7 calendar days
following a written notice by Azelis; (iii) in case of a breach by the
Purchaser or its Representative(s) of any of the obligations set out in
clause 8; (iv) if the Purchaser enters into any composition or similar
general arrangement (formal or informal) with its creditors or is or
threatens to be unable to pay its debts, is subject to a procedure of judicial
reorganisation or bankruptcy, has a receiver or administrator appointed in
respect of its undertaking, assets or income or any part thereof, has
passed a resolution for its liquidation, or a request is filed or an order is
made by any court for its liquidation or for its administration; (v) if the
Purchaser ceases to trade; or (vi) if Azelis ceases to have access to raw
materials or the products for resale to the Purchaser. In case of
termination (except for termination pursuant to sub-clause (vi) above)
Azelis likewise reserves the right to claim compensation for all costs,
interests and damages incurred by Azelis.
11. Confidentiality
The Purchaser shall not, without Azelis’ prior written consent, reveal to
any person or otherwise announce the existence or content of its
Agreement with Azelis, except where necessary for the execution of the
Agreement. The Purchaser further acknowledges that in the course of the
performance of its Agreement it may have access to confidential or
proprietary information of Azelis. Such confidential information will remain
the sole and exclusive property of Azelis and will not be used by the
Purchaser for any purpose other than the discharge of the Purchaser’s
obligations vis-à-vis Azelis. No further use will be made by the Purchaser
after termination of the Agreement.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1 The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. The
Purchaser acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise,
representation, assurance or warranty made or given by or on behalf of
Azelis which is not set out in the Agreement.
12.2 In the event that any one or more of the provisions of the Agreement, shall,
for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any
other provisions of this Agreement, but this Agreement shall be construed
as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been
contained herein. In such case, the parties shall make every effort to make
a valid and enforceable Agreement in lieu of the ineffective provision,
which reflects as closely as possible the provision which has become
12.3 Failure or delay by Azelis in enforcing or partially enforcing any provision
of the Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights
under the Agreement.
12.4 Any waiver by Azelis of any breach of, or any default under, any provision
of the Agreement by the Purchaser will not be deemed to be a waiver of
any subsequent breach or default.
12.5 The Purchaser may not assign any of its rights or obligations without the
prior written consent of Azelis.
13 Applicable law and jurisdiction
13.1 All Agreements as well as all other agreements that result there from, are
exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israël, without regard to
principles of choice or conflict of law rules derived therefrom. The
application of the UN Vienna Sales Convention of 11 April 1980 as
amended from time to time, is expressly excluded.
13.2 All disputes arising out of or in connection with the Agreement as well as
all other agreements that result there from, shall be exclusively submitted
to the courts of the place where Azelis has its principal place of business
or registered office.